Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thought Power!

Okay ..... This Post basically is the essence of my blogs.

A little background.

I started my blog so I could post my thoughts and think through them. Also I wanted to pose questions that I am contemplating and hope that I would get comments to help broaden my thinking and my thoughts. hence the disclaimer that they may be potentially "Adult" theme posts.

So with that on to my post....

I have been reading the Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. (Great Book So far). There is a section that talks about Thoughts. It starts out talking about todays (which actually back in the 1980's) technology that allows one to Eave's Drop on another conversation from 50 yards away, or devices to monitor thought patterns and analyze dreams as well as several other devices. To this point He states a question. One that I have never thought of before but once mentioned, it was like No Duh! His question was if we as mortal beings have the ability to do these things then why can't God with all of his omnipotent power not being limited by the mortal body.

He then asks another question, How does God hear your prayers? You know the ones you only think in your mind. The he qoutes a scripture that basically states that the Angels are recording everything, yes even your thoughts! Whoa! So If Man can hear my thoughts (to a degree, at least as I know), and God and His Angels can, Why not Lucifer? That is right. I believe that in the millineum when Satan is bound because He will have no effect on us. It will be because we (or our children) will control their thoughts.

Okay, My wife had a very interesting and special experience a couple of weeks ago, and since it is Her experience, I can not share the details. However since part of Her experience is My experience I can share you my part. My wife was struggling, while She was struggling she had two people add to Her Frustrations. That week was a long one for the entire family. Finally we sat down together to discuss it as She was at a breaking point. When I pointed out that Satan knows what is going on and what is important to Her, don't you think that he is going to do everything he can to pull you away from the light? Yep. When She realized this and recognize the adversary hands in the events. She then turned to God and saw how we was there also and Her thoughts changed. The adversary and his angels no longer had effect on Her. I witnessed this. It was amazing!

Satan is real! And he has lost everything and the only thing he wants now is for you to loose everything. How selfish is that. In our last Stake conference meeting one of the speakers made an awesome statement. "Satan doesn't have a family, so he wants yours. Don't Let him!"

Your thoughts are powerful!!! Make sure they are clean and pure and righteous!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Game Night!!!! (Invite)

Hey Everyone, if you know us you know we love to play games. Soooo we have been trying to have game nights where we invite people over, but then we feel like some get left out. So I am going to try this a little differently, if it works out then you can keep an eye on my blog to find out when we are doing another one.

So here is your official Invite (not personal I know but still an invite for you)

This Friday October 10 at 6:00PM @ my House (what?!? You don't know where I live, well then you may need to contact me for directions)

We are game addicts so we have a pretty good selection of games, but please feel free to bring any games you don't think we have.

Also if you could bring a snack to share that would be great.

Hope to see you there.

Oh yeah bring your kids, it gets crazy sometimes but it lets the kids have some fun with other kids.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Worldmark by Wyndham

So I has was dragged to another Timeshare presentation last night..... I had to laugh it seem like I was actually living an episode of "King of the Hill". It was hilarious!!! is my thought question for this post....

Why would I buy a timeshare??!!??

Maybe some of you have them and so I seriously ask WHY?!?!?!

Here are the details for what they offered me last night.

16,000 credits (which equivalents to maybe a 2-4 weeks hotel (oh sorry a condo) accommodations.

All for the great low price of $32,000!!!!

Wait that's not all you also get to pay maintenance fees on the property you don't own, but own. It is only $974 a year.

That's right folks, if you give me $32,000 I will let you pay $1000 to use a condo 2 weeks out of the year!!

ok so the sells pitch last was if you go to a hotel say for 14 days a year at a $100 a night ($1400 a year) times that by 50 years, because you plan on vacationing every year right? oh yea we need to add inflation to this so now your 50 years of 2 weeks vacation now costs you $322,000. WOW now that $32,000 doesn't seem that bad, right?!?!

oh let's think about this $32000 + $1000 *50 years= $82,000!!! and that is not including inflation.

And here is the best part ladies and gentleman, when you die you can will this "ownership" to your children so they can pay the $1000 a year to use the "property".

One last thought they don't call it Time Share anymore, because it is more flexible. Soooo

Lets all go buy and Timeshare, not Timeshare plan!!!! I have nothing better to do with $82,000.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh Wretched man that I am!

Ok, So I feel like crap! why? do you care? well if you do continue to read......

My first post on this blog was me whining about my wife's lack of thought towards our 13th Anniversary.... well I just got finished watching and reading a friend's blog... yea guess what they did on their 6th anniversary, sat in a hospital waiting to find out if their son had a disease that we would die in 6 months or lukemia where he would have a long hard battle for the next year!!!

Here is his link:

Do NOT watch the videos they will make you cry your little heart out. Yes I did!!!

My anniversary sounds wonderful in comparison. I got to go to a last minute dinner with all four of my beautiful wonderful daughters and share it with my most amazing wife (even if she didn't get me a card). I pray that my friends 7th anniversary will be cancer free and that they have a dinner with all the beautiful children.

Oh the wretched weak and pathetic man that I am.

My Other Blog

I was thinking that some of you may think that this is kind of weird to start out a blog with a Anniversary Downer.... So I thought I would link to my other Blog.... same theme my thoughts... so beware...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So..... I have hit my 13th anniversary with My Lovely Wife. Although I didn't do anything spectacular, but I did bring home flowers and a card (that was purchased a week before).

What did my wife do..... a two sentence blog. Yeah I feel loved.

So that evening my wife asked "What did you expect, we have four kids"

hmmm what did I expect..... Well that got me thinking.

What does she expect for Valentine's Day, Her Birthday, Mother's Day.......

I just wanted a little love, thought, some appreciation more than two sentences on her Blog for her girlfriends, not me.

So here is my question for the day, What should one expect for their anniversary?